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6 Real Ways to Make Money Answering Questions

Man using an apple laptop and answering questions online to make money
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Did you know you can make money by answering questions online? I’m not talking about the various survey sites — although you can make money by signing up on some of the best paid survey sites.

Instead, I’m talking about money you can earn by answering legitimate questions from real people. These are sites where people like you and me ask questions and want answers.

The sites pay people to leave quality answers on the site. Here are some of the best sites you can sign up for to make money for answering questions.

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Sites That Pay For Answering Questions

Each of these question and answer sites work a bit differently. However, all of them will pay you for answering questions.

Check out the summaries for each site listed and see if this might be the right online side job for you.

1. JustAnswer

JustAnswer pays experts in over 700 different categories to answer questions asked by users.

The site was started in 2004 by new parents who needed fast answers to parenting and health questions.

These days, JustAnswer services every country in the world. Here’s how it works: Members who need answers post their questions and the price they’ll pay to get them answered.

People are willing to pay for the answers because they’re asking for expert help. This is different from some of the less legitimate question/answer sites where random non-experts give their opinions.

Instead, these answers come from people who are experts in the category the member needs help in. JustAnswer costs a lot less than it would to contact an in-person professional, so members know it’s worth the money.

As an expert, you are the one who answers the questions posted in your expert category. JustAnswer pays you for giving the member his or her answer.

One of the great things about becoming an expert for JustAnswer is that you can work when you want. That means you control your income.

Here are some of the categories they seek experts for:

  • Finance
  • Law
  • Medicine
  • Wellness
  • Animal behavior
  • Home improvement
  • Homework
  • Consumer electronics
  • Boats
  • Cars

To apply, you go to the site and select a category. You’ll submit your information, wait for approval and begin earning money.

Note that you do have to be a certified expert in your category to qualify. For instance, you can’t apply to be a medical expert without having some type of medical degree.

With over 175 categories, there are needs for a wide variety of experts.

2. Studypool

Studypool works similarly to JustAnswer, except that it specializes in one area: school work.

Here’s how Studypool works:

  1. Students post questions along with their budget and answer deadline
  2. Academic tutors give a full and thorough answer to the question
  3. The tutor that answers the question gets paid

Studypool is 100% anonymous and questions can be labeled “private” at the student’s request.

As a Studypool tutor, you get to browse over 30 different educational subjects to look for questions you can answer.

Some of the subjects Studypool covers for students include:

  • Accounting
  • Art and Design
  • Article writing
  • Chemistry, Biology and Physics
  • Computer Science, Web Design and Programming
  • Business and Finance, Economics
  • Law, History and Political Science

After providing a sufficient answer, you get paid a commission. The Studypool website says that you can make up to $5,000 per month as a tutor with their service.

In addition, you get to set your own hours and choose when to work — and when not to work. Studypool does not impose quotas on tutors.

As long as you meet the deadlines for the assignments you take, and answer questions satisfactorily, you’ve done your job.

Studypool educational qualifications:

  • They need to possess a degree in higher education
  • They need to be a current college or university student

If you meet one of these two qualifications, you can be a tutor at Studypool. That means this would be a great way for you to earn money if you’re a college student.

You don’t have to worry that there won’t be enough work available on Studypool, either. Its website says that over 10,000 new questions are posted daily by students.

3. PrestoExperts

PrestoExperts pays you to help people via online chat, phone or email. You get to work from home as an expert in your chosen field.

Some of the fields you could be a PrestoExpert in include:

  • Technology
  • Tutoring
  • Counseling
  • Health
  • Legal
  • Life coaching
  • Shopping

You start working as an expert with PrestoExperts by creating a profile on their site. The company recommends you include a photo with your profile. People trust you more when they can see your face.

Your profile will appear in your category of choice, or clients can search by keyword for you. As a freelancer for PrestoExperts, you get to set your own rates and accept work when you want to.

After you sign up to be an expert, you just wait for the work to come to you when you’re available. When you sign in to your online account, PrestoExperts sends the clients your way as they come.

It does all of the marketing and drives the traffic to your online profile if a client needs your type of services.

4. Experts 123

Experts 123 is a site that will let you post articles about certain subjects. If you have expertise in the subjects they post about, you can become a contributor.

Some of the categories they seek writers for include:

  • Beauty
  • Cooking
  • Careers
  • Entertainment
  • Health
  • Home improvement
  • Parenting
  • Technology

Note that you can base your posted articles on questions members are asking. Conversely, you can post random articles you think people might find helpful.

As a beginner contributor, you’ll get paid via a revenue-sharing program. The more traffic your articles get, the more money you’ll earn.

However, you do have the ability to graduate to per-post pay rates. You can reach this level after you’ve proven yourself as a qualified writer and expert in your field.

Bonus: You can include a link to your own blog or website in your articles.

5. Weegy

Weegy is another site that specializes in answering questions for people. If its automated system doesn’t have an answer to a question, it turns to expert members like you.

However, Weegy will try to answer all questions via its automated system first.

Making money with Weegy is pretty simple: You just sign in to your Weegy account and wait for notifications about questions that need answers.

When you get a notification, you can accept it or reject it. If you answer the question, you get paid in points.

You can continue the conversation if the caller requests, earning for each additional question you answer.

However, you can pass the conversation on to another expert at any time. Weegy says it pays roughly 20 cents per answered question.

Note that with Weegy you can set an expiration date on your answers. I found this fact interesting. After all, if you allow Weegy to keep your answers on file indefinitely, it means you’ll never get paid to answer that question again.

Instead, the automated system will provide the answer. And when that happens, it mean less income for you.

You can get paid via PayPal once you’ve reached their minimum cash-out threshold of $20. It’s clear that Weegy pays a lot less than the other sites mentioned here. However, it is one option to keep in mind if the others don’t work for you.

6. HelpOwl

HelpOwl will pay you for both asking and answering questions.

Here’s how it works:

  1. You start by creating a free account on the site.
  2. Start earning points by completing point-worthy activities.
  3. Trade your points in for gift cards to retailers such as Amazon or Walmart.

Some of the activities you can earn points for include:

  • Submitting the first accepted answer to a question (1,000 points)
  • Uploading a product manual that is over 101 pages (1,000 points)
  • Reviewing a company, product or automobile (750 points)
  • Submitting an answer to any question (100 points)
  • Uploading a product manual that is smaller than 101 pages (250-750 points)

Note that you can lose points if one of your answers is marked “unhelpful.” This is HelpOwl’s way of making sure people don’t take advantage of its points-earning system.

As with Weegy, you probably won’t earn as much with HelpOwl as you will with the other sites mentioned here. However, I thought I’d include it so you know different sites compare in terms of rates.

Sites like HelpOwl and Weegy can be great for earning a few free gift cards or a bit of cash during the year. If you want to earn serious income, though, I’d recommend working with the other sites instead.


Earning money by answering questions can be a nice way to supplement your income. In some cases and with some sites, you may be able to replace your 9-to-5 income by answering questions.

JustAnswer claims it has some experts earning thousands of dollars per month sharing their expertise.

I’m not sure how many questions you’d have to answer to earn that kind of money, but I’m guessing it’s a lot. The point is that some of these sites do pay serious money to have access to your expertise.

If you have expertise in valuable subjects such as law, medicine or college subjects, consider joining one of the sites mentioned above.

It might be a great way for you to earn some extra cash. You can earn right from your own home, and you can set hours that are convenient for you.

Note that money you earn on sites like these is considered independent contractor or self-employed income. This means you’ll have to keep track of income and expenses.

And, you may have to pay taxes on the income, depending on your tax situation. Know that going in, and set aside a portion of your income (20%–30%) so you have money available to pay your taxes if need be.

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