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4 Apps That Will Pay You

Chances are you have a smartphone. One of my favorite features, aside from having the internet in the palm of my hand, is the convenience apps allow me to have. The push of a button lets me access my favorite podcasts, stores, games, lists. . . well, you know! The problem is, I really do hate shelling out money for apps. $2 here, $5 there… it really does add up!  What if I told you there were apps that will pay you money in the same way?  Yup! It's true! And money in your pocket is always a good thing!

4 Apps That Will Pay You

Before I get on to sharing apps that are aimed at making money, check out my post about apps that save money here: 12 Best Money-Saving Apps.  Saving money is a good habit to get into. When used alongside with savvy money making tips and tricks, you can quickly see your bank account grow. Use the money for anything like paying off debit, helping kiddos with college, or taking a dream vacation!

So here are my favorite apps that will PAY YOU:

1.)  QuickThoughts

QuickThoughts is the BEST app that will pay you in my opinion. It's very well thought out: the developers clearly understood that your time is valuable, and you don't have time to search for surveys that you will be approved for. You will instantly see surveys you can take. The payout for most completed surveys is $1, but some pay more, and the surveys are pretty simple to take.  The smartphone integration honestly makes it a really smooth process.

Plus – the payout threshold is only $10, so you can cash out quickly and often!
Download QuickThoughts

 2.) MobileXpression

How about an app where after you download it, you literally do NOTHING. It just runs in the background, and you go about your day. You are then eligible for random drawings of prizes for doing absolutely nothing.
Download MobileXpression

3.) Swagbucks

I love Swagbucks. I feel like I rave about Swagbucks all the time, but how can you not love the idea of earning rewards while you're on the bus, in the waiting room, or just putzing around? I mean, what could be better? Another reason that Swagbucks is the variety of ways you can earn rewards: search online, watch shows, take surveys… and so many more.
Sign up for Swagbucks

4.) Inbox Dollars

There are many ways to earn rewards with Inbox Dollars. While it's mostly surveys, there is also this cool wheel you spin to win cash instantly. That adds a bit of fun and randomness to the app, and it reminds me of a game show!

The payout threshold is $30, so not as great as Quickthoughts, but it's definitely worth giving a try.

What I Love About Money-Making Apps

So here's how all of this works: simply download the apps that will pay you that I listed above, register with all your information, and then you can be on your way to earning rewards.  Most of these involve taking surveys, searching online, or just sharing your opinion on products and services. I'm a big fan of a few survey sites in general (but not all of them) as they allowed me to buy Christmas presents a couple of years when finances were really tight, and I see these apps as an improvement on this.

It's SOO much more convenient to use the app on your smartphone than it is to have to be on your computer.  Think about it… how often are you sitting around, and you whip out your phone out of habit and putz around? What if instead of scrolling Facebook or playing CandyCrush, you spent just a few minutes here and there throughout the day and completed a couple of surveys? Or searched online? Since you would be doing nothing productive anyway, you might as well earn some Amazon gift cards out it, am I right?

Like I said – you won't get rich, but it can definitely become a nice Christmas fund, help you save up for some nice item that's not in the budget,  or even pay down some debt.

And it's nice to get paid once in a while for using your smartphone, instead of you paying for stuff.

I'd love to help you with some budgeting tips to help you put your newly earned money to some good use. For free – pick up this budgeting pack. It's got everything you will need to get you started.

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